RE: Default password for AWG5014C
We don’t ship our equipment with a Windows password set. We only ship them with a default Windows account username “Tek_local_admin”.
It’s likely someone may have changed it and didn’t notify others. I know some of our rental partner use ‘oem’ as a password on their rental units if that’s its origin.
I’ve also seen reference to a BIOS password ‘Tektronix’ on some of our scopes, but that’s about it.
If the password remains unknown, the only way to recover the AWG is though an operating system restore procedure. -
RE: Password Reset by power surge on AWG
Try logging into the unit without using a password and then try oem if that doesn't work. If neither of these options work, you will need to run an Acronis restore. To do this, press F5 at boot and the unit will take you through the process. This will return the unit to factory state. Any user data on the unit will be erased.
RE: TDS2002 1x to 10x Probe incorrect
The TDS2002 has a 1M ohm BNC input. There is no "read-out" capability with the scope input or the standard probes that were included with the scope. The default attenuation setting is 10x as that is far and away the most common attenuation setting. If using anything other than 10x probe they will manually need to change the attenuation setting on the scope channel to match the probe that they are using
RE: Removing Main Board to sanitize
The main board only needs to be removed if the unit cannot be powered on to run the TekSecure to clear reference waveforms and instrument setups.
RE: Declassification/Security documents for TDS3054D
You can find it on our web site at https://www.tek.com/en/oscilloscope/tds3000-manual/tds3000c-series
RE: I am looking to run DDR5 software packages and signal Integrity functions on our MSO7804DX Scope
Take a look at our Datasheet to see the current options for DDR5: https://www.tek.com/en/datasheet/memory-interface-electrical-verification-and-debug-ddr5---system-level-transmitter-tests-datasheet. Here is an additional application note: https://download.tek.com/document/DDR5_Measurement_Challenges_WP_55W-7386.pdf.
RE: Need a two channel Function Generator with Hi-Z mode output less than 50 mVpp
The AFG31000s has an accuracy of ± (1% of setting +1 mVpp), so a 50mV signal would have roughly ±1.5mV of noise when producing a 50mVpp. The instrument’s input and output connectors are also floating inputs and outputs, and maximum rated voltage between the chassis ground and common ground is 42 Vpp (DC + peak AC), which is above your required 25V. This information is found on page 3 of the AFG31000 user manual. Because of these two features, the AFG31000 could be great fit for your application.
AFG31000 Product Page: https://www.tek.com/en/products/signal-generators/arbitrary-function-generator/afg31000#
Tektronix/Keithley typically do not recommend floating an instrument unless necessary, as it can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken. Before floating an instrument, it is important to understand where all connections lead to and what circuits are energized. They are multiple ways that the AFG could be floated, but the most straight forward is to simply connect the AFG and power supply in series. Most power supplies (PS) utilizes banana jack connections, and most AFGs use a BNC connection. In order to float the AFG, you will need to connect the PS positive terminal to the AFG negative terminal of the male BNC connector. This will require some type of BNC breakout adapter. I have attached an image of a related adapter below. Then connect the AFG positive terminal to the device under test (DUT) , and finally connect the output/ground of the DUT to the PS negative terminal.
BNC Adapter - Male to Double Binding PostTektronix actually has an Application Note that discusses floating measurements. This document is more oriented towards oscilloscope use, but you may find concepts and tips within the document helpful.
Fundamentals of Floating Measurements and Isolated Input Oscilloscopes: https://download.tek.com/document/3AW_19134_2_MR_Letter.pdf -
RE: For the dBm calculation, what is the impedance assumed?
dBV was the implementation on the TDS3000 series. I've verified the 5 series FFT and SpectrumVu readings are dBm. What can be off is when using 1 Mohm channel impedance or a probe. Our dBm calculation assumed load (50 ohms) doesn't change. External loading is assumed in these cases.
This is easy to check with a sine (pure tone). The single peak in the FFT should match the Vrms measurement. I measured 87.32 mVrms on my sine. Across 50 ohms this is 152.5 mW or -8.17 dBm. My FFT reading was within a dB of this.
When you have multiple peaks, it is harder to match to the Vrms measurement. You can get close by taking the majority peaks, convert to Watts to sum, then calculate Vrms. My measurement was 118.4 mVrms.
Are you familiar with SpectrumVu? This is a digital down conversion within our 5 series acquisition hardware that generates baseband IQ. The 5 series then analyzes baseband IQ the same way a spectrum analyzer would. Additionally, SpectrumVu and analog acquisitions can be enabled at the same time. The only cost is halving the max sample rate. Since you are well bellow the maximum sample rate, you have headroom to turn it on. I can think of three key benefits of SpectrumVu;
-independent analog and spectrum displays letting you optimize each. With traditional FFTs, there is usually a tradeoff between optimizing the time-domain display or the frequency-domain display.
-automatic markers that annotate peak frequency and power.
- use of a chirp z-transform to make SpectrumVu more accommodating to various RBW/record-lengths. (FFTs are constrained to powers of 2 vector lengths. you only have indirect control of FFT RBW via record length. FFT peaks can vary almost 1 dBm based on optimum or sub-optimum record lengths.) -
RE: Experiencing date and time issues on MSO44.
I recommend putting the scope on the internet for longer than 1 hour.
RE: Is there a software package that allows data logging from an MDO34 Oscilloscope?
Unfortunately the MDO3 Series is not supported by the data logger in KickStart. For datalogging on a MDO3 Series I would recommend using TekScope Utility instead. It features data logging and a list of additional features, you can find a link to it below.
Please note that TekScope and TekScope Utility are separate software packages. TekScope is official Tektronix software, but is not ideal for your use case