RE: P6139B accessories
I'm assuming that you are looking for replacement hook tips. There is also a chance that you might be looking for the actual probe tip. Below I'll provide the current version of the part and also included a copy of the manual which shows the original replacement parts and numbers.
Hook tip:
013036201Replacement tip:
206063501Please reach out directly to our sales at 1.800.833.9200 option 1 or email the request to buy@tektronix.com. they will be happy to provide price, availability and take your order.
RE: MDO4104C upgrade options
The MDO4MSO option adds 16 digital channels and includes a P6616 digital probe and accessories. I would recommend the MSO 4 Series if you were looking for a scope with similar performance but no spectrum analyzer: https://www.tek.com/en/datasheet/4-series-mso
RE: TBS1154 Optics
I have included links below for some of the manuals and other items you have asked about. I did not include any software options as there are a different options based on what you are looking to be able to with them. Let me know if you have any questions about what I have linked or if you would like more information or software options.
User Manual: https://www.tek.com/en/oscilloscope/tbs1000-digital-storage-oscilloscope-manual/tbs1000-series-0
Datasheet: https://www.tek.com/en/datasheet/digital-storage-oscilloscopes
Connection drivers: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/driver/tekvisa-connectivity-software-v420
RE: TAP1500 operating temperature conditions
It is outside the specified temperature range, I would expect the readings to be inaccurate. Though I do not know if this would damage the probe.
We do not have an OpenChoice Desktop that is compatible with TekVisa v4.0.4.2. However, TekVisa v4.2.0 and OpenChoice Desktop v2.8, the most recent versions of each software, should work with the TDS220. We also have TekScope Utility, which should also support your TDS220, but this software only works with NI Visa. I will link all of these options below.
TekVisa 4.2.0: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/driver/tekvisa-connectivity-software-v420
OpenChoice Desktop 2.8: https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/utility/tektronix-openchoice-desktop-application-tdspcs1--v28
TekScope Utility: https://forum.tek.com/viewtopic.php?t=140451 -
RE: MDO34 not starting
It sounds like the firmware may have been corrupted, please try to force reinstall the latest firmware. To force a reinstall follow the usual installation instructions and the following.
If you try to load an older version of firmware, or the same
version that is currently installed, the oscilloscope will not load
the firmware and will display a message indicating the firmware on
the USB media is not newer than the current firmware.You can override this, and force the oscilloscope to load an older
firmware file, by creating an empty text file called "forceinstall.txt"
on the USB media in the root or topmost folder.Latest MDO34 Firmware:
https://www.tek.com/en/support/software/firmware/3-series-mdo-firmware-v1104 -
RE: TBS2202B not allowing 2 GS/s on unit
Are you using multiple channels to capture the waveform? If so you can find the following note on page 25 of the user manual.
"Sample Rates of 1 GS/s on all Channels (2 GS/s on half Channels)"
If not, you can open the horizontal settings to adjust the time/div and record length. The scope will set the sample rate based on those parameters.
RE: 80E04 Non-volatile memory
Details on 80E04 non-volatile memory are available in our DSA8300 Declassification technical reference; https://www.tek.com/en/oscilloscope/dsa8300-sampling-oscilloscope-manual/dsa8300-and-80a00-80c00-80e00-80n01-80x00-82a00-0.
RE: 2182A Noise
My recommendations: Long NPLC, filtering, Line Sync. Use of relative function. Follow-on support is required since the 2182A Vpp noise is in the range of +/-10 nV. A 1 nV measurement is beyond the standard methodology and accuracy of the meter capability.
RE: Waveform on DPO70804 remote access
You can turn on the "Display Remote" choice. This can be hard to find using the Button navigation.