Posted Tue, 07 Mar 2023 07:17:39 GMT by Singha, Birjit
Hi all!<br> <br> I wish to capture trigger events and save the samples corresponding to the trace patterns observed on the scope, into a USB drive. I was able to do it while using the &quot;<strong>Single</strong>&quot; trigger mode capture which was a very slow process (1 trace /second).<br> <br> However, upon starting to use the&#160;<strong>Fast Acquisition mode</strong>, I am unable to do the samples saving into the USB. Also, the &quot;Single&quot; trigger mode capture can't be enabled and the &quot;<strong>Run/Stop</strong>&quot; trigger mode capture gets activated automatically. The aim of using&#160;the&#160;Fast Acquisition mode is to speed up the trace samples saving process (to ~100 traces/second).<br> <br> Also, I am told that in the Fast Acquisition mode, the trace samples might be saved in the &quot;<strong>internal buffer</strong>&quot; of the oscilloscope.&#160;<br> <br> Can anyone assist me in saving the traces in the USB or accessing the internal buffer of the scope while working with the fast acquisition mode ?<br> <br> A video which explains about my situation.&#160;
Posted Tue, 07 Mar 2023 21:56:00 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Birjit,<br> <br> Fast Acquisition mode works quite differently from regular acquisition modes and is not meant to speed up the acquisition of single shot traces, it is meant for acquisition of several traces in a row, generating heatmaps.<br> Here is an explanation of how DPX/Fast acquisition works within our RSAs:<br> <br> So, it won't be possible to use Fast Acquisition to save single traces faster. If you wish to save a heatmap of several traces, then Fast Acquisition might be of use to you.

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