Hi all!<br>
I wish to capture trigger events and save the samples corresponding to the trace patterns observed on the scope, into a USB drive. I was able to do it while using the "<strong>Single</strong>" trigger mode capture which was a very slow process (1 trace /second).<br>
However, upon starting to use the <strong>Fast Acquisition mode</strong>, I am unable to do the samples saving into the USB. Also, the "Single" trigger mode capture can't be enabled and the "<strong>Run/Stop</strong>" trigger mode capture gets activated automatically. The aim of using the Fast Acquisition mode is to speed up the trace samples saving process (to ~100 traces/second).<br>
Also, I am told that in the Fast Acquisition mode, the trace samples might be saved in the "<strong>internal buffer</strong>" of the oscilloscope. <br>
Can anyone assist me in saving the traces in the USB or accessing the internal buffer of the scope while working with the fast acquisition mode ?<br>
A video which explains about my situation. https://youtu.be/zkYdOeVSfRQ