• Tektronix MS058 FW upgrade from 1.2 to 1.8

    We have a Tektronix MS058 just recently calibrated. We want to upgrade the firmware from version 1.2 to 1.8 so we can connect it to ethernet. Does the calibration will be affected if we do this upgrade?

  • SignalVu - Windows 11

    Is the SignalVu software compatible with Windows 11? I need to update my computer but don't want it affecting the compatibility with SignalVu software.

  • Signals not changing

    I am having issues with the signals on my TDS2014 not changing. Upon start-up, the unit fails multiple tests in the signal acquisitions area and freezes on the first number when applying a signal to the device.

  • Setting ranges

    Hello there. I am experiencing some limitations with the current range. How could I set different ranges on the 2281S?

  • Setting Lower Bandwidths with Generic BNC Probe

    How do I adjust the channel bandwidth to reduce noise on the input using a standard generic BNC probe? I don't want to see noise in in 20 Mhz range, the lowest they can set right now is 20Mhz

  • Setting Attenuation

    I would like to learn how to change the attenuation on the P6015A. Whenever we do measurements with the probe while connected to a laptop, typically a 2k V measurement, the laptop is zapped, causing a power surge on the USB port, which crashes the Handyscope HS5 Software.

  • Set scope settings from PC

    I am trying to remotely control the scope from a PC. I can acquire data and screen captures using OpenChoice desktop. However, the settings files are binary files that I do not know how to read or modify. Is there a tool that helps to view and edit these files? I have also tried using the OpenChoice Talker Listener. When I hit Query with the *IDN? command, the write is successful but the read fails.

  • Set Max Amplitude

    Jerome contacted technical support as he is having issues setting the max amplitude on the AWG70002B. He explained that the device is refusing to output anything over 500 mV, but the website says that the unit does 500 mV p-p to 1 V p-p. Please reach out to Jerome with reasons why the range could be capping out.

  • Passive Probe not reading voltage

    Our passive probe when connected to an MSO54 is not reading any voltage even when connected directly to voltage source. Is there any other methods of testing functionality or servicing these probes?

  • Service Manual for 2440 Oscilloscope

    I can't find a service manual for later production for the 2440 Oscilloscope. I have located the service manual for serial numbers B014064 & below. There is a difference in the NVRAM circuitry between the two and I am trying to work on that. Where can I get a copy of this service manual?