• RE: 2651A - Reading back listi values

    Thanks, @Ty,

    This manual reference was a helpful place to start but was only one of several commands that I had to put together to get this to work.  Here's what I landed on for everyone's benefit:
    -- Create user generated buffer of (size)
    buffer1 = smua.makebuffer(1000)
    -- Collect source values output during measurement steps
    buffer1.collectsourcevalues = 1
    -- Assign measurement to user generated buffer
    -- Enable trigger
    smua.trigger.measure.action = smua.ENABLE

    Then later:
    -- Get the number of steps
    num = smua.trigger.count
    -- Print step source values
    printbuffer(1, num, buffer1.sourcevalues)
    -- Erase the user buffer when done
    buffer1 = nil

    I appreciate your help.
  • 2651A - Reading back listi values

    Good morning,

    I am new to TSP coding.  I am setting up a 2651A to do a current pulse "sweep" (multiple current levels).  Here is the code I am sending to the 2651A (using a LabVIEW VISA Write):
    -- Create a fixed level voltage sweep.
    smua.trigger.source.action = smua.ENABLE
    smua.source.rangei = 10.000000
    smua.trigger.measure.action = smua.DISABLE

    I have confirmed that the data is setting properly (at least I think) based on being able to read back the rangei using
    which returns the expected value.

    How would I go about reading back the "smua.trigger.source.listi" values to verify they were properly set?  I have tried various combinations of print() and printbuffer() and have been unsuccessful in getting a response.  I also tried creating a variable, setting it equal to the list, and then reading it back but have been unsuccessful with that.  This is what I tried:
    READING = smua.trigger.source.listi

    Can someone guide me in how to read back a setting that is a list like this?

    Many thanks.