The 2400 SMU will not be able to read as quickly as the 2000 or 2700 due to the 2400 both sourcing and measuring, whereas the other two are multimeters, so they only need to measure.
Some general recommendations I would make to assure the 2400 is reading as fast as possible is to decrease NPLC/PLC to the lowest number (should be 0.01 or FAST), turn autozero off, use a fixed range (autorange OFF), turn all delays OFF or to lowest number possible.
Here is an example using front panel operations to make the fastest voltage sweep possible with the 2400. This may help you in finding other settings to configure to get quicker readings:
1. Press SOURCE V.
2. Press CONFIG, let go. Press SWEEP.
3. Select TYPE, press ENTER.
4. Select STAIR, press ENTER.
5. Enter 0.00000V, press ENTER.
6. Enter 1.00000V, press ENTER.
7. Select Step of 10mV. Press ENTER.
8. Press EXIT.
9. Press SPEED.
10. Select FAST, press ENTER.
11. Press CONFIG, let go, press SOURCE V.
12. Select DELAY, press ENTER.
13. Select 0000.00000 S, press ENTER.
14. Press EXIT.
15. Press CONFIG, let go, press EDIT (Little blue EDIT button on the upper left).
16. Select SWEEP, press ENTER.
17. Press MENU, let go, select A/D CTRL, press ENTER.
18. Select AUTOZERO, press ENTER.
19. Select DISABLE, press ENTER.
20. Press EXIT, EXIT.
21. Press OUTPUT ON/OFF, to enable output.
22. Press SWEEP.
23. Press RECALL.
24. Select the last reading. 100 should be the last reading.
25. Look at the timestamp, Should be around 83msec.
83msec / 100 = 830usec per step.