Posted Thu, 11 May 2023 02:41:41 GMT by Fischer, Stephen Sw Engineer
I am using an AFG3102C waveform generator to test an embedded system.<br> <br> The AFG3102C is set up to generate rectangular pulses when triggered externally by a signal from the embedded system.<br> <br> There is a short delay configured between the trigger signal and when the pulse is output. This delay is configured using the AFG3102C front panel.<br> <br> The delay needs to be adjusted at various times while the embedded system is running.<br> <br> The timing of the adjustment needs to be somewhat precise and it needs to be made from the embedded system.<br> <br> Since the embedded system is running a real time operating system and not Windows, I cannot use TekVisa via C# or python to communicate with the AFG3102C.<br> <br> It does have ethernet though so I was thinking that I could send the SCPI commands defined in the programming manual for the device though a raw socket.<br> <br> For example, it looks like the delay could be set using the [SOURce[1|2]]:PULSe:DELay command.<br> <br> Is it possible to control the AFG3102C using raw sockets and the text SCPI commands? If so, what port is used?<br> <br> If not, are there any options for using VISA or vxi-11 on an embedded system with a real time operating system?<br> &#160;
Posted Fri, 12 May 2023 18:36:05 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Stephen,<br> <br> The AFG3000C does not have raw sockets support, you need to use VXI-11/VISA. The newer AFG31000 does have support for raw sockets on port 5025.<br> <br> I'm not quite sure what operating system you're using, but pyvisa-py runs on Linux, so it might be a good start.<br> I imagine it would be possible to send your commands to an intermediate Linux/Windows server (can be a small computer like an RPI) and have that do the VISA communication for you instead.

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