with magnetic measurement SUP5-PWR licence, I always measure Bsat (600AT/m) ~20% too small: 0,46Tp in stead of ~0,54T (supplier measurements with Iwatsu power analyser SY-8218). I use MSO54 / TPP0500B voltage probe together with TCP0030A current probe. Cross sectional area, magnetic mean path and winding numbers of testing toroid had correctly been inserted in program. Self heating was taken into account - ferrite was close to room temperature. Measurement frequency 10kHz, material DMR95. Probes had not been deskewed (is this required?). I measure acc. method IEC 62044-3 high excitation. Windings had been biflar wounded.
Is there any TEK training available on SUP5-PWR magnetic measurements? Additionally. I always get 'hysteresis loss negative...'
I hope for your help.
Best regards Sven