I'm following an example from the DMM7510 programming manual (pg 11-12). However, I receive different values when printing the created buffer ("voltDigBuffer") to my laptop terminal. I'm interested to print voltage measurements and later store each list of measurements within the buffer to variables. After running the attached Python script below, I receive the following output:<br>
+00.056 V,04/06/2023,5.609468E-02<br>
After running the program again, receiving the following output:  <br>
Is a delay or another parameter required to only print the six values in the print statement? 
<pre>print(dmm.query(':TRAC:DATA? 95, 100, "voltDigBuffer"'))</pre>
My code below:
<pre>import pyvisa as visa
rm = visa.ResourceManager('@py')
address1 = "TCPIP0::"
dmm = rm.open_resource(address1)
dmm.write(':TRACe:MAKE "voltDigBuffer", 10000')
dmm.write(':DIG:FUNC "VOLTage"')
dmm.write(':SENS:DIG:COUN 100')
dmm.write(':READ:DIG? "voltDigBuffer", FORM, DATE, READ')
dmm.write(':TRAC:DATA? 95, 100, "voltDigBuffer"')
print(dmm.query(':TRAC:DATA? 95, 100, "voltDigBuffer"'))